This is how I found her yesterday when she woke up from her nap. She heard me turn the camera on so that is why she took the blanket off. Before I turned the camera on she was walking back and forth in her crib saying "whoa!" everytime she ran into the side. It was so funny!
The first video is of her running away from broken elmo. She didn't like the thought of Elmo's stuff coming out I guess!
That is to funny her running from broken Elmo. And what a dancer she is you will have to put her into dance classes.
Those videos are so cute!! I'm excited to know that Abby will be doing stuff like that!!
Logan sat and giggled the whole time during the videos!
Video 1 Poor Elmo, he couldn't get any love from Carly, she really looked scared.
Video 2 Loved her dancing
Video 3 Would have loved h=to hear her saying WHOA! She is getting to big!
So funny, with the "broken Elmo"! Her hair is getting a lot longer! I tried trimming Aaralyn's the other day and now I'm mad because I don't like it, so next time I am going to Jenni!
She is getting so big!
Andrina & I had fun watching these tonight. Keep them coming
her room looks really cute! i miss that cute little stinker!
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