"In our search to obtain relief from the stresses of life, may we earnestly seek ways to simplify our lives. May we comply with the inspired counsel and direction the Lord has given us in the great plan of happiness. May we be worthy to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost and follow the guidance of the Spirit as we navigate this mortal journey. May we prepare ourselves to accomplish the ultimate purpose of this mortal test- to return and live with our Heavenly Father."

-L. Tom Perry

Monday, May 6, 2013


 This post is really random but lately that is how my life is going right now. Some days are great, others are so-so, and the rest I just want to lay on the couch and do nothing.  
There should be a thing called 1st trimester depression because I'm sure i'm going through it. blah.  Anyway, enough with the complaints. There are just a few things I wanted to post just so i don't forget.
Carly had a little program for the end of the year.  She was so excited to show us what she'd been working on most the year in her music class. It is still somewhat surreal to think I have a child old enough to be a part of all these elementary school programs. And before you know it, I'll have two programs to attend next year!

Annie has really hit a lot of milestones lately. I don't remember exact dates but I suppose that's what happens with the third child. 
*She said her first word (we think) just like her big sister it is "Kitty" or something to that affect whenever she sees the cats.  We think she also says "Daddy" but were not positive.
*She is really into giving hugs and kisses lately. She'll kiss pretty much anything. It's quite funny when we see her bend down and kiss the carpet.
About a week and a half ago she just decided to start to try and walk. Ever since then it is all she wants to do.  So far the most she has taken is about 5 steps.
*She got sick last week and ran a fever for a couple days which ended in a little rash.  She still is a bit needy but I don't blame her.  It could possibly be teething but who really knows??
*She's also really into waving.  
*She just started clapping her hands yesterday.

I think that is pretty much it! I can't believe she'll be ONE on Friday!!


Emma said...

Whoa, that year went by so fast!
And I didn't realize that she & Axel's birthday's are so close together, his is on the 11th.

btw- I really hope baby #4 can have those super chubby cheeks & be as squishy as Annie!

Pauline said...

Sounds like she had Roseola (baby measles)I can't believe she is almost one, the year went by so fast and I didn't get to see her enough!!!!!

Pauline said...

Oh and Carly looks so cute in her outfit for her program, I was there last year for her program!!!!

Cami and Mitch said...

Carly is the cutest kid in school :)