"In our search to obtain relief from the stresses of life, may we earnestly seek ways to simplify our lives. May we comply with the inspired counsel and direction the Lord has given us in the great plan of happiness. May we be worthy to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost and follow the guidance of the Spirit as we navigate this mortal journey. May we prepare ourselves to accomplish the ultimate purpose of this mortal test- to return and live with our Heavenly Father."

-L. Tom Perry

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cow Branding

These were just part of the kids that were there. Playing with cousins always equals FUN!

before the branding started Mimi took the kids for a ride on her horse. They LOVED it as always!

With the help from chad's mom we had a brand made to brand our cows with. It kind of turned into a big deal when everyone kept saying they wanted to come. It was so much fun! They started by rounding the cows up (actually trying to) Cows are pretty stubborn animals and I think they knew what was coming. It was a lot harder to get them gathered in the corral. We ended up only getting three cows done before we were all starving. So, we took a break for some yummy food that everyone brought. It was great to have everyone there, the kids loved it and the adults loved it too! I think the cows were the only one's that didn't enjoy the day!

(p.s. Some of these pictures were taken by my sis. Sharise)

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Would loved to have been to the branding party, dang, telepromter where are you? Looks like fun. Love the pic with all the kids on the gate.