I put the pictures out of order so start from the bottom and work your way up...or just read out of order :)

Lastly, early Sunday morning we headed out. It was bitter-sweet. I didn't want to leave my family, I had so much fun with them for the past two months, I'm so glad I decided to stay that long! My kids had a blast. I'm glad that my hubby let me stay away that long. We spent another 24 hours in the car. The kids did awesome, they must be used to it by now!! No major meltdowns....
It was exciting to come home to a new house. A little
weird at times to be in a totally different area of town. The kids (luckily) have adjusted really well. They both went to bed the first night with no major trouble! Now I just have A LOT of
un-packing and arranging to do. It's not my most favorite thing but it has to get done!!

My parents gave us all
gift cards and free baby-sitting on Saturday night. They were either brave or insane for taking that many kids on, I'm sure they had fun! It was so much fun to get together with all of my siblings and their other halves to enjoy some good food! I'm so glad I have these memories! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Since we had everyone together we thought it would be a good time to get some family pictures. They turned out pretty good for as many wiggly kids that we had.

Here is all of the
grand kids in their matching pj's that my mom made! They were so cute running around (although the hats didn't stay on long.) My mom is a trooper for putting all of them together!

More pictures from Christmas day.

We had a great Christmas this year. Santa brought lots of fun little surprises....he must have known we had to fit everything home in our car. It was so much fun to be at my parents and to have our whole family together for the short period of time it was. It was a full house but it was a fun house!