Well...our little Sambo is three months old today!! It's amazing how time is going by! I thought time flew with Carly but it goes by so much quicker with multiple children! It's bitter sweet that my baby is growing up! I miss how tiny he used to be but I love the fact that he smiles and talks now. He still is a little stinker when it comes to napping during the day but he is getting better at it! and he is still sleeping through the night which I am so grateful for...this mama needs her sleep!! We sure love this little guy!

My two little rugrats! Carly loves to have Sam sit next to her. She thinks it is so funny! I just have to be careful because when she is done sitting next to him she'll just try to push him out of the way.

This is Carly's baby that she put a diaper on. She is OBSESSED with changing diaper! I think I've mentioned that before. She with put a diaper on anything! Just to name a few....an Elmo DVD case, an Elmo game, her bunny that she sleeps with every night, I think she even put a diaper on a block or rather put a block inside the diaper. Thanks again Mom for starting this obsession! :)

This is Carly feeding her baby. Ever since I had Sam she watched me and repeats it with her baby. She warp her dolls in blankets and bounce them and rock them. She "shhh" them and she say "it's okay baby" and my favorite..."hum ear, baiper change" It's amazing what her little brain soaks up everyday!

We went to Galveston on Monday. I always forget that we are a little over an hour away from a beach! It's kind of nice to be so close. Carly absolutely loved it!! She couldn't wait to get in the water! She loved to play in the waves! It was really windy there so Sam didn't like it very much. I made a make-shift wind blocker with his bouncy chair and it seemed to work okay.
Your little boy (and girl) is so cute!! Kids grow FAST huh??
At first glance I thought Carly's doll was Sam with his diaper around his feet too. Haha! Love the picture of Sam propped up on the pillow smiling and also of him and Carly sitting by each other. What cute kids!
We LOVE SAM! That is the cutest picture! Logan and Raylie blew kisses to him!
We LOVE Carly! What a little funny girl! We miss her bouncing all OVER the place.
Oh I guess I can you are most welcome for starting the obsession what are grandmas for anyway if it is not teaching them all kinds of fun stuff. I love the top two pictures they are so cute.
Cute little Sam! I miss all of you guys. It looks like you had fun at the beach. It's too bad we ran out of time when we were there, maybe next time.
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