We finally did it. After many years Emma and I finally planned a trip so we could see each other and meet each others little ones! It was really fun, the car ride was a different story but once we got to Branson it was fun. I had never been there and I always enjoy going to places I've never been. We were only there two full days so we didn't get to do much. The cabin we stayed in was really great! I found it off the Internet so I was kind of scared to see it but I was really pleased with how nice it turned out to be. I didn't get a picture though, maybe Emma did. Anyway....I'm glad we planned it and that everything worked out so great!

Here are some random pictures from our car ride. It took about 13 hours to get there and 12 to get home. it was long but I got to see parts of the country that I've never seen before.

The pictures above were taken at Bass Pro Shop in Springfield, MO. It was a huge outdoor store with it's own restaurant that had a really good buffet. Carly and Andrina loved looking at the fish.

These were taken while we were waiting for Daddy to ride on the go-karts. Carly loves these little mechanical toys and for 25 cents you can't beat it!

These were taken at the Hollywood Wax museum which was interesting but not as exciting as what there Internet sight said. Emma and I and the girls went while Kevin and Chad went fishing. Andrina was afraid of most of them and Carly didn't really care!

These were taken inside the cabin we stayed at. Carly and Andrina were enjoying the couch.
Saturday night we went to the Dixie Stampede. It was so fun and Carly actually sat through the whole thing! Although she was trapped inside a booster seat which helped. This place is a huge arena where they feed you tons of yummy food and put on a how down in the arena. This one had tons of horses and pigs and ostriches. It was a Christmas show, which was kind of odd since it's only October, but it was well worth it!!