The other night for Family Night chad decided to whip up some cookies with the kids and of course they didn't argue. They had fun helping/watching/eating!

I've been in such a festive/craft mood lately I've been dying to make something. I got
THIS and
THIS idea from a website (one of my many craft idea websites!) It was actually quite easy to make. Ulitmately I like the one's from the craft website better but I'm pretty happy with the way my turned out. I ended up putting my felt circles tighter together which caused me to use more felt than needed. I still need to make one more topiary and then I'll be done (with this project)
Those came out super cute! I'm jealous! Great job! :)
Cute, I wish I was that talented.
You are addicted, admit it. :)
I love the heart I need the pattern to that can you send me the website. They are cute you are a busy girl.
Cute! I was totally making a red felt heart wreath today, but not exactly that same style. I need to go back and get another yard or two of felt to finish it because it took SO much! I don't know if yours would be easier or the one I'm making. I don't think I would enjoy cutting out all those circles, but mine isn't too much different! I'll post a pic of mine when I get it done.
i have so much red felt to use up, this will do it!!
very cute and festive!
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