Her birthday isn't until tomorrow but I figured I'd do a little shout out to her today!

*She is so excited for school. She talks about it at least once a day.
*She knows no stranger. She'll talk to anyone and everyone! Going to the grocery store is quite a task with her and takes twice as long. Everyone is her friend.
*She sleeps when it's dark and is awake when the sun is out and can't understand why i would want to sleep during the day.
*She's always been so active and still is. It's no wonder that she sleeps so good at night.
*She is a lover of all things outdoors. She is constantly finding grasshoppers and will keep them in her backpacks.
*She loves to tease her brother.
*She has an amazing memory (but only when it's something she wants to remember)
*She loves to sing and will sing herself to sleep almost everynight. She is also a shower singer.
*She loves to draw and color. She loves to copy words that she sees.
*She would eat all day if she could.
*She would eat all day if she could.
*Her hair gets so tangled and she screams everytime I try to brush it.
*She gets excited over everything!
*Her teenage attitude is appearing too early and I'm afraid we'll have some rough storms ahead of us. But.....I'm glad she is strong willed, I just hope I can help her use that for the right reasons.
*She still thrives on a schedule. If something is out of place in our bedtime routine she can really freak out.
*She always wants to have a party.
*She loves to collect things in backpacks, bags, or buckets.
*She loves to collect things in backpacks, bags, or buckets.
*She likes to pick out her clothes. (not so sure I like that)
I sure love her. I know most days I don't appreciate all the good things about her but she is so special and I'm so glad she is mine. She has challenged me in so many ways but I have learned so much about myself and life since I became a mother and she was the one that gave me that gift! I hope she always knows how much I love her!
Looking through all our old pictures I found this gem. It's amazing what you do for entertainment with your first child (and first dog)