This was looking down from our cabin. We stayed at the M Lazy C Ranch in Lake
George, CO. It was a really cute place. I'm mad I didn't get a picture of our cabin. They served breakfast everyday and we ate dinner there twice. It was fun and relaxing despite all the rain they had and the unusually cold weather.

We towed up our buggy to ride around.

There were so many wildflowers out. I had to get a picture of them! Carly loved picking them.

Sam and
Myreel (only a week apart) had fun playing with
each other.

Mimi took Carly for a horseback ride. She LOVED it!

swing set was right outside the cabin we stayed in. It was great, Carly loved to just go outside and play on it.

We went to a little town called
Manitou Springs. They had a bunch of little shops. We found a cute little arcade area with a ton of l
ittle 25 cent rides. The kids LOVED it!

No, this is not food on his face. This is what I call a dirt mustache. Sam had so much fun playing outside that by the third day I decided to stop trying to keep him clean!

The girls went horseback riding one morning. It had rained off and on pretty much the whole time we were there but one morning looked very promising, So we headed out. We were riding for about an hour when we heard thunder in the distance. (It was already pretty cold outside) Less than 10 minutes later the rains started to fall and the thunder started to crack. I am not a cowgirl, I don't ride horses very often, in fact I can count on one hand how often. I was a little nervous riding with all the thunder and lightening. We pulled through and by the time we made it back to the ranch we were soaking wet and freezing. ( I could not feel my toes) Plus, my horse (not pictured) wanted to stop every chance he got to eat, kind of annoying when your wet and cold. Actually, I had a blast, it was
definitely something I had never done before and I really had fun, despite the cold and the rain! (Carly didn't go with, she just posed for the picture)

The three pictures above were taken
on top of a
mountain. It had a great view and the kids loved playing up there!

We went exploring many times, Sam (and
Myreel) loved riding in the back! Sam fell asleep a couple times.

After many days of riding in the car and man days with naps all out of order the only way we could get our kids to sleep (during the day) was riding in the car. We were lucky at night, they fell asleep so easy because we tired them out during the day!

Carly and Chad trying out their
ropin' skills!

We took these pictures right outside the building that we ate in. They served very delicious food!
We finally made it home today. We followed Chad's sister and bro-in-law home. (They were nice enough to tow our buggy behind their Tahoe so we could drive a little faster) It was fun, but it's always nice to be home.
Looks like you had a great time as well, next time we will have to coordinate our family outings so they are not at the same time. We missed having your family with us.
I love Carly's sunglasses, Chad's little facial hair action goin' on, and Sam's dirt mustache. So fun! I'm sorry it was cold though. I'm jealous of your horse back riding adventure. I love riding horses, although I've never ridden in a thunderstorm before. That would be kind of nerve-wracking. Glad you had fun and got home safe. Luv ya!
What a fun trip! We were at the top of the world together! The kids look like they had a great time! LOVE the picture of Sam with his stache!
You have some pretty cool pictures! Looks like you guys had a fun time! We missed you, and are glad that you are home now.
I don't know how you did the panoramic picture but it is cool! :)
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