We were lucky enough to have permanent playmates for Carly for 2 weeks. Daniel and Alycia (Chad's sister) sold their house and needed a place to stay until they went on vacation. We were willing to let them stay with us for those two weeks (I would much rather have a noisy house than have them waste money and be trapped in a hotel room for two weeks) It was actually really enjoyable and the two weeks flew by. The older boys had fun in our pool and Carly and Adam had fun playing together (when they weren't fighting over the same toy, gotta love 3 year-olds) And I had fun having some adult conversation during the day. It was bitter/sweet to see them leave on their vacation. Bitter because I won't have another adult to talk to in the house and Carly will go back to being bored with me and sweet because it was nice to get the kids back in their own bedrooms!
Da da da daaaaaa.....videos! It's been a while.
After having over 100 degree weather the past couple weeks and no rain, it was nice to have this short (too short) downpour the other day. The kids loved playing in it as you can see!
Carly learned how to go under water. One day we were swimming and she watched Chad go under water and she just did it. She LOVES the water and now she always wants us to take her floaties off so she can swim under water. She is our little fish!