Sam's photography skills
Carly's 1st try
Carly's 2ND try
*Not sure how I got to 30 weeks! When I look back it seems like I've been pregnant forever, and yet it also seems to be flying by so fast!
*I have been feeling pretty great! (cross your fingers)
*I'm still sleeping pretty good at night, other than trips to the bathroom or Sam waking up about something.
*Not too uncomfortable yet. I have moments in the day where I feel huge and I FEEL pregnant. I also have moments in the day where I forget I'm even pregnant!
*The little lady inside of me likes to move. Just like her siblings.
*Still haven't decided on a name yet.
* Carly was pretty sad when we told her for sure her name would not be Ariel.
*I haven't had any strong cravings but I find myself at times loading up on plums recently.
*I've had a little bit of heartburn but only in the evenings before I go to bed.
* Sam and Carly both think this baby is their birthday present. Let's hope she doesn't decide to come on the 12th (Sam) or make me wait until the 22nd (Carly)
*I've been thinking a lot about labor recently. I was induced with the other two and won't need to be induced this time around. I've been really curious at how different it will be.
* Confession: I actually put on real clothes for the above picture. I'm usually in some form of sweat pants with my hair pulled up. Not exactly how I want to be remembered.
You look super cute! Glad you're feeling good!
I love the kids attempt at taking the pictures. Classic. I have to say that I am so jealous of your hair too. It is so long and super cute. :)
Yes Sam needs a little more practice but not to bad if you didn't want to capture the belly. :) Yes Your hair is gorgeous. It looks really pretty curled like that. Can't wait to see your cute family.
Beautiful!! Love the kid pictures!
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