So, I picked these pumpkins the other day. Mostly because the vines they were growing on were quickly dying from a cause unknown. I baked them and pureed them and now they are sitting in my freezer just waiting to be used.
Now, about the dying vines. I realized that my pumpkins are being overrun by Squash Bugs! I was out watering today and noticed almost hundreds (you think I'm exaggerating) of squash bugs big and little pile out from my pumpkin plants. I'm so sad. I've already lost two plants. And I'm pretty sure we're going to loose the rest :( I'm not quite sure I can get the bugs under control. Stinkin' bugs anyway.
I planted so many flowers earlier this year. They all started by seed. I was growing very impatient waiting for them to do something. Finally these past couple weeks they are slowly starting to bloom. I just noticed the other day my sunflowers are starting to bloom. I think next year I will control myself better and only pick a couple of flowers to grow instead of 15 different kinds. I kind of got carried away.
That cake looks yummy. Hey- sorry it's so hot there. We made it to 70 today. Which I don't mind- I just hope the rain makes it your directions because quite frankly- I am done with it! :/
Pretty pumpkins!
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